“Our Camden Street kids experience things others could never imagine. Our students are developing a type of resiliency few could understand or appreciate.”

Sam Garrison, Camden Street School Principal

Our Story

There is an undeniable and profound connection between hunger and a child’s ability to succeed in school, and in life. That’s why Newark's Camden Street School Principal, Sam Garrison, created the "Camden School Cares” program (formerly "Bring Dinner Home"). Our goal is to offer children and their families meaningful proof that others care about their well-being and futures. As the school motto promises, Camden Street is where students get the skills they need to achieve their dreams.

The Obstacles Faced by the Students are Immense:

90% of Camden Street students are economically disadvantaged.

60% of Camden Street students are living in extreme poverty.

30% of Camden Street students have special needs.

85% of CASP students are living at or below poverty level.

And now, the pandemic means the families of The Camden Street School face even greater challenges. But, thanks to Bring Dinner Home and your support, those obstacles are being overcome every single day, and the impact we’ve had has been gratifying.

Your Support has Led to Proven Student Success:

An increase in academic performance every year by at least 6% as evidenced by NJASK and PARCC

Quadrupled students’ acceptance rate into Newark’s competitive high schools

Among Newark’s top-performing schools on the 8th Grade PSAT test

Absentee rates continue to fall while the honor roll continues to grow

Teacher retention rate has grown to 95%

Let’s keep these positive results growing.

Make a donation to Camden School Cares today!

Thank you to all of our contributors!

Thanks to your generosity we were able to provide grocery cards, coats, diapers, and school supplies to the 250 families of the Camden Street School. That means every student at Camden Street will be better prepared for school this winter with a good meal in the morning and warm coat all season. And every family will be able to have a joyous Thanksgiving meal safely in their homes.

But the needs of these students don’t end with the holidays. They and their families will continue to face even greater challenges learning in the midst of increasing COVID-19 and continuing poverty. We can always use more donors now, and we welcome your continuing support during the year to further assure these deserving students of success in school, and in life.

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